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Compression Socks for Men

Compression socks for men offer both health benefits that will improve your blood circulation while enhancing your feet' comfort. Boasting a special design to fight to minimize the effects of gravity, these men's compression socks are not suitable only for patients who have severe DVT or feet swelling because of blood circulation insufficiency or diabetes. They are actually a necessity for many other people who have a higher risk of blood circulation problems, and athletic and aesthetic concerns.

What Do Compression Socks Do for Men?

Primarily designed with a tight elastic structure, men’s compression socks  enable you to improve your feet' health and comfort by helping you:

Boost Blood Circulation  

Based on the graduated compression technique, men's compression socks apply pressure on the ankle, muscles, and skin which are covered to allow better blood circulation around the lower part of your body. Graduated compression refers to relatively higher pressure at the lower parts (foot and ankle) and less pressure towards the knee to create an anti-force against gravity to ensure the replacement of deoxygenated blood with the constant flow of oxygen-rich blood into the legs and feet.

Treat Venous Problems  

Veins in your leg and feet gradually widen and start to cause blood pooling because of insufficient vein performance or a nonfunctional vein valve that is required to regulate blood circulation. This causes swelling and blisters around your leg and in your feet in time as well as rising fatigue, ache, and discomfort. Compression socks for men present a healing solution to venous problems such as varicose by creating an external source of pressure to shrink the veins and increase the blood flow velocity to normalize the blood circulation to efficiently carry the oxygen-rich blood to all parts.

Reduce Blood Clots and Swelling

Since compression socks for men squeeze the muscles and the veins their diameter lessens and blood starts flowing faster. Furthermore, applying a graduated pressure that is higher at the lower limb and lower at the top, these socks allow blood to move upwards, thereby reducing blood clots and resulting feet swelling.  

Support Muscles and Joints

Manufactured from tight fabric types, compression socks for men also provide additional support to the muscles and joints to keep them aligned in the right direction while helping them to move securely even in the case of long training sets. Additionally, compression socks for men also therapy socks that comfort your calf muscles.

Increases Exercise Stamina  

All human cells rely on oxygen to efficiently perform and oxygen is only carried with blood, which makes efficient blood circulation a must for all human activities to supply the most important enough blood. An efficient flow of oxygen-rich blood keeps muscles supplied with enough oxygen which is carried with blood in arteries and sends the deoxygenated blood back to the heart. This increases the stamina of muscles during training as well as long hours of work.

Who Should Wear Compression Socks for Men?

Compression socks for men are not just regular socks which are worn to complement your outfit while covering your barefoot skin. They are designed to provide a practical and easy-to-use solution to minimize the effects of gravity that cause blood circulation problems as well as the symptoms of diabetes, varicose, and edema. As explained before, compression socks for men offer a remarkable advantage for athletes and frequent trainers by helping fatigue and energizing muscles while they are suitable for everyday use by desk workers, health professionals, and long-time travelers.

How To Choose Compression Socks For Men? 

You may decide to get a compression sock or your doctor may prescribe you one. But it may be difficult for you to decide on the most suitable one for your situation. The first thing to consider when trying to find compression socks for men is their compression level. Starting with 8-15 mmHg (which refers to the millimeters of mercury), compression socks for men are available in a wide range as follows:

  • Mild and moderate compression socks: Including 8-15 and 15-20 mmHg compression socks, these are suitable for relieving the aches and pain after work. Hence, you can start wearing these compression socks when you have to work all day long standing up or sitting.
  • Firm compression socks: Designed to provide a practical solution for the mild symptoms of vein disorders and blood circulation, these compression socks have a 20-30 mmHg compression level which is suitable for physical activities and training in addition to treating lymphatic edema, ulcers, and foot swelling.
  • Extra firm compression socks: 30-40 mmHg compression socks are in this category and should only be used upon prescription by a doctor. They are produced for blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, and severe swelling problems. 

Additionally, you will see different sizes of compression socks for men which offer different benefits and are suitable for different conditions. Mens knee high compression socks are ideal for using vein and blood circulation disorders around calves, ankles, and feet while compression stockings for men cover the whole lower limb and offer pressure on all parts of the calves and thighs. Mens knee high compression socks can be used for everyday needs but compression stockings are medical-grade equipment that should be used with a doctor's advice.

Where Can I Buy Compression Socks For Men?

GoWith prioritizes customer satisfaction at all times by presenting a high-quality collection of socks for various needs including athletic socks, diabetic socks, and thermal socks. Compression socks for men are also part of our rich collection with material and design options. In addition, they are designed in Germany by industry-leading designers and manufactured in Turkey by skilled experts using soft and sustainable bamboo fabric or merino wool which also offer moisture-wicking features to keep your feet comfortable, odor-free and dry even during physical activities or long working hours.